Monday, February 18, 2008


Hello everyone! This is crazy clinic's first entry. This blog is for everyone to share your clinic experiences with everyone. Be it good or bad. Of course if you have any interesting, bad good experience, feel free to share it. There is no right or wrong here!

If you have any interesting information that you think will benefit everyone, do post it as well.

Questions are more than welcome. Anyone is free to answer to the questions!

I will also try to post pictures of you guys in clinic. So watch out for the snapping camera. Make sure you are looking your best. You never know when I will be around to snap you! hahaha


doptometrist said...

Wow! I get to leave the first comment!

Hmm… firstly, I am very impressed with the leader of the Loudest 10 (WanFen)! This blog started off as a lunch time idea and materialized into reality in the same night!

One thing to share; clinical supervisors like to pick on those who appear to have nothing to do. So dun be seen to loiter around SPOC corridor or you will have a 5000 word essay coming your way in no time! Trust me! I have given out a few oredi.

doptometrist said...

Skill Testing Question #1

Which one of the following options contains the actions of a Superior Oblique muscle?

a) Elevation, Abduction, Intorsion
b) Elevation, Abduction, Intorsion
c) Depression, Abduction, Intorsion
d) Depression, Abduction, Extorsion

Hint: Remember the formula?

doptometrist said...

Skill Testing Question #2

In a routine assessment of pupils, I do not have to specifically check for consensual reflex and near reflex.

True/ False.


The first complete answer wins an Eye Ball Model!

YourFriendlyLecturer said...

wooo.... if there are no takers for the questions bytomorrow night I'mgoingtotake them. I want the eyeball!!! hahahaha