Thursday, July 17, 2008


Hi everyone,

I understand from some of you that the quota system is out for the module Clinical Practice.

However, I still urge each and everyone of you to do as many GEs, SCL and RGP fit as possible.


Once you step out to work, you want to feel confident in handling patients, doing CL fits and adjusting frames.

The more you do, the more questions you will have. It will thus be a good opportunity to then ask and clear your doubts. When you are out practicing by yourself, your employers will expect you to know everything( though I know it it very unfair). Once you start work, you may be the only optom in the shop, thus you may not be able to clarify your doubts then.

It is difficult at times, but as much as possible, do bring in your family to do GEs and bring in your friends to do SCL or RGP fits.

You may not master it the first time round, but as do more of it, it wil get better.

You really don't wish to graduate having only done 6 RGPs. Right?

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