Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Thursday, May 8, 2008
Guidelines For General Examination
Ret --- if not accurate -- minus marks.
Silt lamp -- if I miss something--minus marks
Ophthalmoscopy -- miss something or wrong estimation of C/D ratio -- minus marks
Overall --- minus here, minus there, alamak!!!! Sure to fail!
Ret --
- Correct working lens or working distance,
- Correct fogging lens.
- Always tell patient to relax! Explain to patient what you are doing
- Continuous constriction and dilation of pupil size( esp young patients). May indicate fluctuatng accomodation
- Inform patient to look at the distance target. If patient is looking at you it induces accomodation
- When you think you have achieved end point. Move forward slightly, you should see a with movement
Silt Lamp--
- Always have a system of check anterior health.
- If patient does not have any symptoms or complaints,then no need to flip lids
- Try not to over rely on the green stain. As this will help tain yourself to be more observant.
Eg. First check the lid and lashes, then continue to central cornea, then nasal and temporal bulbar conjuctiva, superior cornea, inferior cornea, so on so forth.
- For an increase field of view, go very very close to your patient. It really helps
- To have a better field of view for the superior retina you can ask patient to look up, for nsal retina ask paient to look towards the nose and so on so forth
- C/D ratio, try to judge by the blood vessels instead of the colour.
All in all, just like everything, it comes with practice. It took me 3 - 4 years to get better and more confident in Ret and ophthalmoscopy. In fact everything.
Patience is a virtue! Don't expect yourself to be excellent in everything within 1 - 2 weeks. Afterall, Rome was not built in a day right?
Do let your clinicians know if you really don't feel comfortable in a particular technique.
Don't be afraid to ask or make mistakes. Because if you don't ask and make mistakes, how are you ever going to learn right?
Hope this helps.
To Amanda
It is great to hear that you are learning new things in the clinic. Of course we try to make clinic enjoyable for everyone too. To ensure that you are learning and enjoying your clinic session is really our aim.
As mention, having a clinic module is really to help you practise the clinicial skills that you guys have picked up in 2nd year.
I am not here to defend anyone, and I am not sure how you define "personal attacks", but what I can say is, try to sieve out what you think is not constructive criticisms.
I do still urge you to speak up for yourself. If you really feel that you deserve a better grade or the technique you have done was taught to you in 2nd year, do speak up to defend yourself (of course do it in a polite way).
If you really feel that you have not been marked fairly, speak to the clinician(politely), or if you do not feel comfortable bringing it up then, do speak to your module co - ordinator.
I hope this helps.
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
To Amanda
I used to have clinic phobia too. For a few reasons:
- Afraid I might fail clinic
- Afraid of doingthe wrong things and getting demerit points
- Afraid of getting scolded my clinicians and patients
You might not believe me but, clinicians don't like to fail students. We also don't keep an eagle eye on each and everyone of you and every one of your move.
It is understandable that everyone wants to do well. However, try not to put too much emphasise on the marks column, rather try to think about suggestions that the clinicians give and try to work it in your next clinic session.
Hope this helps
Have a great week ahead.
Non Optometry related "Bo Liao" quiz.
Who is the fastest runner in the world?
Who sells "wang qing shui"?
Answer to be revealed this coming Friday.
Gift will be given to the first person who answers both questions correctly.
Bruckner Test
Use: To test for Strab, anisometropia, "white pupil"
The strabismic eye will have a bright reflex. (why?)
The eye with a higher rx will have a duller reflex.
What are the differential diagnosis for white pupil?
Testing distance: 1m
Room illumination: Dark
With an ophthalmoscope, view the red reflec concurrently.
To Xue TIng
Cheer up!